Fresh Farm Eggs
Half a dozen (6) of our free range eggs. All eggs are collected daily, cleaned, dated, and refrigerated. Contactless payment/pickup preferred.
- Mixed Size (size 5-6-7) - the general egg box with a mix of standard to large eggs.
- Peewee Bantam 'Lunchbox' - these eggs are laid by our bantam ladies (mini chickens) and are the perfect size for lunchboxes and little hands. Also perfect pickling size.
- Jumbo Size 8 - we only have a few girls that lay jumbo sized eggs (poor girls!) but these chicken eggs nearly equal the size of our duck eggs.
- Duck Eggs - if you've never had a duck egg before then give them a go; they make amazing scrambled eggs with their rich, creamy flavour.
- SEASONAL Pheasant Eggs - Are pheasant eggs edible? Yes! Pheasant eggs are half the size of a chicken egg but pack a richer flavour. They're visually attractive on the outside with the shell ranging from olive-green to khaki-brown and the yolk is a deep yellow. Unlike chickens, pheasants only lay for a few months of the year, so get your hands on some while you can. Very limited number available.
We are Franciscan, so all our hens are spoilt and living their best lives. They are kept as companions and see the end of their natural lives with love - even when hen-opause comes along.